Meet Your PTA Executive Board



Michelle Hamdani

Michelle is excited to serve as your new PTA President! She and her husband David have two energetic boys— a rising 3rd grader and a lively 2-year old. When she’s not shuttling her kids to sports practices or hosting bake-nights and Mahjong parties, Michelle can be found pursuing her favorite hobby— Chess!

Whether it's participating in the Walk-a-Thon or helping to plan the Lunar New Year Banquet, Michelle thrives on forging strong bonds with our families and building community. She loves being involved at JOES and is excited to welcome everyone to join in the fun!

Please feel free to connect with her on Social or email her at:

Vice President

Deven Sutcliffe

Deven (she/her) is a proud mum of Eloise (just starting at Aptos) and Juliet (4th). Deven was PTA President for the last two years and is very excited to welcome this year's team of all-stars!

Deven originally hails from England, and has lived in the Bay Area with her wife Genevieve for around 15 years. She loves cooking, hiking, sailing, sewing, and skating.


Steph Wang

Hello JOES Community! Steph Wang extends her warm greetings and is thrilled to take on the role of PTA Treasurer. She is a mother of two boys—a rising 2nd grader and a 4-year-old.

In her spare time, Steph loves to bake, hike, eat and read! Her favorite part of JOES is our wonderful community.

If she could have one superpower, it would be to function without ever needing sleep.



Jessica Ho

Jessica is a dedicated member of our vibrant JOES community with a son joining 1st grade and hopefully, in the next couple of years, a daughter joining JOES kindergarten. She has a deep passion for helping others, fostering strong communities, and organizing all things! She also views every interaction as an opportunity to create lasting connections and meaningful experiences.

When Jessica is not busy keeping things organized as the JOES PTA Secretary, she can often be found capturing life's moments through photography, indulging in cheese plates, or doing something crafty.

Hospitality Chair

Maple Lay

Maple was born in Canada to very patriotic parents. But she can call herself an SF native since moving here in the 2000s. Maple’s son graduated from JOES this spring, and her daughter is a rising 4th grader. In her spare time, Maple is planning her next travel adventure, with a boba milk tea in hand. 

Maple is grateful for the dedication and care put forth by all the JOES teachers and staff. She will carry out her role as Hospitality Chair to garner them the appreciation and support that they deserve. The JOES community is strongest together! 

Fundraising Chair

Betsy Tsai

Betsey is looking forward to bringing in the dough for JOES and building relationships in our school community. She spent the entirety of her life on the East Coast until moving to San Francisco in 2012 and now after 12 years in SF she feels like a Californian. Betsey and her husband Chris have a rising 2nd grader and an incoming Kindergartener.

Betsey enjoys cooking, hosting gatherings, planning her next getaway, and finding steals at the Goodwill and Grocery Outlet. One day, she secretly hopes to join the traveling circus as an aerialist while selling boba.

In addition to being fundraising chair, Betsey is also the volunteer coordinator, so don't be surprised if she drops you a note to help out!

Financial Secretary

Janette Pang

As a dedicated mom of two kids, a rising fifth grader and a third grader at Jose Ortega, Janette finds immense joy in being actively involved in their school activities. Supporting their education and participating in school activities is a top priority for Janette!

In her free time, she loves planning travel adventures with her kids. Creating lasting memories through their travels is something she cherishes, knowing these moments will be treasured as they grow older.