Please arrive before 7:50 AM to allow time for your child line up in the school yard by 7:50 AM for the morning announcements. The school yard opens at 7:30 AM and will not be not staffed before then so please remain with your child if you arrive early.
Bus Arrival:
Children who arrive by bus will have a drop-off attendant escort them up the steps for morning assembly.
Car Arrival:
This service runs from 7:30-7:50.
To drop off your child, please pull up to the front of school, remain in your car, and a volunteer will help open your child’s car door and escort them to school. There is usually a line to drop off, so please wait patiently for your turn and follow directions from our Morning Traffic team.
Our Morning Traffic Volunteers are parents, just like you, dedicating their time to help ensure the safety of all our children. We deeply value their efforts and ask that everyone approach them with respect and kindness. Following the traffic rules and showing courtesy helps create a safer and more positive environment for everyone.
Thank you for your partnership in fostering a community built on respect, safety, and support. Together, we can ensure a smooth and safe morning drop-off for all.
Wait patiently for your turn.
No cutting in line.
No U-turns on Sargent Street.
Follow directions from our Morning Traffic team and treat them with kindness and respect. <3
There are no parking spots at school. However, street parking can be found usually within 2-3 blocks of the school. Note that the school is on a hill so make sure to turn your wheels accordingly after parking.
Leave home early enough to allow yourself time to find a spot if you are not utilizing the drop-off service. Allow yourself 10 minutes to find parking to arrive in school by 7:50.
Teachers will escort each class to the curb at the front of the school, this is where you will meet your children. Please do not come to the classroom to pick up your child, as this disrupts the dismissal routine.
Students who ride the bus will be escorted to the bus by JOES staff.
For bus information, refer to https://www.sfusd.edu/services/student-services/transportation/general-education-transportation-services
Bus schedule copies are also available in the office.
Car arrival and parking
Road barriers are set up at Ramsell and Arch Streets around 1:30 PM each day and will only be moved for the school buses that are entering and exiting the school drop off area. If you are arriving around that time, please plan to avoid this area to allow our school buses to operate effectively, thank you.