Committee and Board responsibilities 2017-18
For more detailed description per CA-PTA bylaws see:
(3-6 hours/week)
- Run, preside over, and set the agenda for meetings
- Liaise with principal and the executive board
- Provide site staff with updates on PTA activities
- Submit all school-wide PTA communications to principal for approval
- Sign checks and other financial documents
- Work with all committee chairs to execute approved activities
- Call, attend, and run executive board meetings
- Help facilitate school-wide communication
- Maintain accurate financial records of all incoming and outgoing payments
- Serve on budget committee, create budget for the year, keep budget updated throughout the year
- Handle all incoming payments, deposit in a timely fashion
- Write checks for all approved expenses (with President’s signature)
- Reconcile accounts monthly with bank statement
- Provide written reports with updated financial status at every association and executive meeting
- Submit books for audit 2x per year
- Prepare an annual financial report
- Comply with all state and federal tax-filing requirement
- Forward through appropriate channels:
- Council/district/State/National PTA portions of membership dues;
- Comprehensive General Liability, Directors and Officers Liability, Bonding, and Workers’ Compensation insurance premiums;
- Workers’ Compensation Annual Payroll Report. An annual payroll report from each unit is mandatory whether or not anyone was hired. Keep a record of hours of service for which anyone has been paid by the unit. (This does not include payments to the school district for school personnel services.)
- Copies of government reporting forms, as required. (e.g., IRS 990/990EZ, CA/99, CARRF-1) and any employee and/or independent contractor report forms.
- Audit results, year-end financial report
Vice-President: Membership and Volunteerism
(6-8 hours/month)
- Recruit new PTA members
- Maintain and Update Membership Forms (online and paper) including translations.
- Maintain, with secretary, roster of current Members
- Work with JOES Community Building committee to foster increased volunteerism from within JOE’s community
- Record Minutes at Meetings
- Create Meeting Sign-In
- Email minutes to PTA membership
- Email last year's PTA members reminding them to join again
- Maintain Calendars
- Update website with current events
- Upload Minutes and PTA Meeting presentations to PTA Google drive
- Work w/ VP to maintain membership drive
Financial Secretary
- Work with Treasurer
- Make regular deposits of incoming funds.
- Count cash and fill out Cash Verification Forms after various PTA functions
Committee Descriptions:
After School Program
(A few hours/month)
- Act as a liaison between parents, school staff, and ASP staff and directors
- Help to implement new and ongoing programs as decided by above
- Provide occasional, simple technical support for the schools' computers. (2 or 3 hours per year)
- Oversee, find parent volunteers to update website
Fundraising — Primary
Recruit volunteers for and execute the following:
- Education Fund
- Walk-a-thon
- Fall Carnival (3-5 hours per week in the Fall)
- Scholastic Book fair
- Spring Fundraiser(3-5 hours per week in the Spring)
- Read-a-thon
Fundraising — Secondary
(30-45 minutes/week)
- Coordinate and execute and promote "Soft" fundraising: E-Scrip, Box tops, School Store, Amazon, etc. Objectives:
- Increase Participation in ALL soft fundraising efforts
Recruit Volunteers for and execute the following:
- Recruitment of new families for school involvement
- School Tours
- Enrollment Fairs
- Welcome events for new families, including summer playdates
- Maintain and update school promotional material, both printed and online.
JOES Community builder/Volunteer Coordinator
(Fall/winter ~3 hours a week / during spring/summer ~1 hour a week)
- 1. Work w/ Vice President to increase volunteer participation
- 2. Recruit volunteers and coordinate with appropriate committee chairs to organize JOES community events, including (but not limited to!):
- Chinese New Year’s Celebration
- Fall Carnival
- Movie Nights
- Science/Engineering Night
- Help facilitate communications between the school, PTA, and all members of the school community, w/ emphasis on GE and ESL populations
- Maintain JOES volunteer email and volunteer database
Health Nutrition and Safety
- Coordinate delivery, sorting and distribution of Healthy Morning Snack from SF Food Bank
- Work with staff on Nutrition events to promote healthy eating, use of garden produce
- Coordinate Family Health Night with staff
Traffic and Safety
- Recruit and Supervise volunteers for traffic duty AM & PM.
- Recruit volunteers for parking/traffic duty for special events, like back to school night, Winter Program, etc.
(10 hours each for teacher luncheons (organizing, emails, actual day of)
1 or 2 hours for Ms. Ginny Day (organizing, emails, purchasing gift card)
10 hours each for bake sales (organizing, fliers, emails, working the event))
Recruit volunteers for and execute the following:
- Winter and Spring Teacher's Luncheon
- Miss Ginny Day
- Bake Sales for Fall Carnival and Winter Program
(Approximately ½ hour/week)
- Work w/ Science Consultant and school staff on Science Program
- Help coordinate grants and funding opportunities for continuing / expanding Science program
- Display work from the science program on the walls.
(6 hours/week but only for 3 weeks)
- If necessary, work on research, recruitment, and training of paid Science Consultant
(2 hours/week but only for 3 weeks)
- Coordinate with JOES Community Chair to organize Science-based community events.
(Recruit volunteers and be responsible for executing the following
- Greening Days and summer watering.
- Help coordinate grants and funding opportunities for continuing/expanding Ecoliteracy program.
- Maintenance of existing green areas, rain barrels and equipment.
- Advocacy for Outdoor learning, including:
- Ecological awareness/connection to nature
- Environmental stewardship
- composting & recycling, and
- Science Curriculum
- Expand/reestablish Ecoliteracy program.
Find, research, write, and submit grants to help fund programs and activities at the school.
Solicit input from other committees, principal, and staff for grant opportunities.
Work with principal to select arts programs for the school
Work as a liaison between artists, school community, and staff
Oversee and execute community arts events such as Family Art Day & Chinese New Year Parade